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11 reasons why The Muppets Christmas Carol is the best Xmas film ever

After all there’s only three more sleeps til Christmas.

WE WARNED YOU that here at DailyEdge.ie we’re pretty fickle when it comes to Christmas movies.

We’ve already lauded the accomplishments of Home Alone and National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation, and now as the number of sleeps til the big day rapidly diminishes, we pull out the big guns.

Here are just 11 of the hundreds of reasons why The Muppets Christmas Carol is the best…

1. Gonzo as Charles Dickens and his sidekick Rizzo the Rat

2. Tiny Tim is so tiny

Kermit is only knee-high to a grasshopper, and Tiny Tim is small enough to sit on his shoulder.

3. Michael Caine as Scrooge

He’s the epitome of humbug as Ebeneezer Scrooge, but melts our hearts when the ghosts of Christmas past, present and future show him the error of his ways.

There’s also this amazing song about him:


And he sings!

4. HEATWAVE! This is my island in the sun…


5. This guy

6. The horrifying ghosts

7. Marley and Marley

These lads are terrifying.

8. Ice skating penguins


9. This blooper (on repeat):

10. This behind the scenes video


11. How it makes us feel

The makers of this film have taken a literary classic, added singing vegetables, skating penguins, a blue Dickens, a heartbreaking love story and insanely catchy songs, and made a Christmas gem.

If you or your children haven’t seen it, you should see it. Now.


9 reasons why Home Alone is deadly>

9 reasons why National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation is the best Xmas film>

About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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