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16 reasons to hate doing the 'big shop'

Grocery shopping is the WORST.

1. You don’t have a euro for the trolley

Flickr/Creative Commons/The Dark Thing

2. The trolley has a wonky wheel…

… and it won’t turn right

Flickr/Creative Commons/Klynslis

3. You’ve forgotten your Bags for Life

Image: icis.com

4. You’re starving and you make some very poor choices

Fourteen all-butter croissants. A whole wheel of cheese. Those bags of doughnuts that are bound to be disgusting. Three bags of Doritos that are on special offer.

GET IN MY BELLY (AP Photo/Mark Lennihan)

5. The muzak


6. Your screaming children

7. Someone else’s screaming children


8. You keep encountering the same person in every aisle who won’t get out of your way

9.  You can’t remember what size bin bags to buy

Every. Single. Time (Shutterstock.com)

10. You pick the wrong checkout queue

Flickr/Creative Commons/Steve Crane

11. There are no ‘next customer please’ yokeys on the belt

Panic sets in. What if your stuff gets mixed up with someone else’s?

12. This happens

13. The person in front of you hasn’t realised that it was ’3 for 2′ on shower gel..

… so obviously they have to trot on back to the toiletries aisle and get another one.

14. You’re at the self-service till and there’s no unexpected items in the bagging area, but it keeps telling you there are unexpected items in the bagging area.

15. You’ve had to get plastic bags and now this is happening


16. You forgot the toilet roll, and have to go back

Image: Imgur

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About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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