ELECTRIC PICNIC HAS been in the news a lot over the last few weeks.
Instead of announcing the line up or ticket details, the event has been overshadowed by legal proceedings, as reported by RTE.
There are rumours about possible acts (Nine Inch Nails, The Lumineers, The Flaming Lips anyone?) that could appear over on music site GoldenPlec but for the moment we’re waiting to find out if the event will go ahead.
Whatever happens with the court case we’re hoping it all works out because Electric Picnic is always tons of fun.
If you don’t believe us we’ve compiled this list of why the Stradbally festival is amazing:
1. You get to hang out with your friends all weekend
It’s one of those rare weekends where you and your mates get to hang out properly and have some quality time together.
Look at all the fun you could have:
Sasko Lazarov / Photocall Ireland
So. much. fun.
Sasko Lazarov / Photocall Ireland
2. You can amble through the forests and pretend you’re in a film
Or you can just ask yourself why you brought so much stuff for three days and repeatedly ask strangers to help you carry your things:
Laura Hutton / Photocall Ireland
3. You can break out all your best dance moves
Just like this guy who we would be willing to believe is the reincarnation of Michael Jackson:
aileenodonovan / YouTube
4. The chance to wear clever rain hats only happens at Electric Picnic
Even if it rains you can just wear this ingenious rain hat and where else would that be acceptable but at Electric Picnic?
Laura Hutton / Photocall Ireland
5. The funfair
It’s not just forest raves and having cans in the camp site, Electric Picnic also has it’s own fabulous funfair.
Nothing sets up you for a day of festival carry on better than a go on the amusements.
Mind you we’re not sure why this guy is on the ride with his top off, he’ll get an awful chill
Laura Hutton / Photocall Ireland
6. Artistic things happen everywhere
Like this young man painting on a giant mural, you wouldn’t get that of a typical weekend now would ya?
Laura Hutton / Photocall Ireland
7. It’s somewhere you can express yourself through make-up
Perhaps you feel your day time make-up looks a bit drab and needs some new energy.
Well, as long as we have Electric Picnic we have somewhere to really spruce ourselves up
Spend time on your look because it has to be really good.
Laura Hutton / Photocall Ireland
We’re serious, this girl spent fours just working on the bottom left corner of that butterfly (Probably)
Laura Hutton / Photocall Ireland
And then when you’re done you can match it up with a similarly made-up friend. Aren’t festivals great?
Laura Hutton / Photocall Ireland
8. You can get married there (kind of)
The inflatable church at Electric Picnic is incredible because it allows you to simulate a wedding and what could be more enjoyable than that?
Also if you’ve got an other half who’s dying for you to pop the big question this is a nice way to stave them off for awhile.
“Marry ya? Sure didn’t we have a fake ceremony down in Stradbally last week? Is that not good enough for you?”
Laura Hutton / Photocall Ireland
9. It’s a place where pampering can happen
Nothing says “festival chic” (bleurgh) than getting a right ‘ol pampering at Electric Picnic.
Leave the music carry-on to those with dirty hair.
Leon Farrell / Photocall Ireland
10. There are bands to watch
We suppose you might go to Electric Picnic to watch some “bands” play “songs” to people in the “audience”
Numerous amazing artists have played at the festival including the iconic Grace Jones in 2008
Julien Behal/PA Archive/Press Association Images
Then there was The Cure in 2012 including Robert Smith who is still rocking the same hair and lipstick combo as in the 80s. Good man Robert.
Niall Carson/PA Archive/Press Association Images
Sure they even had Duffy perform one year. Remember when we all used to act like Duffy was a thing?
Now she’s probably at home sticking pins in an Adele voodoo doll and crying (Probably not).
Niall Carson/PA Archive/Press Association Images
11. You will be standing in a field and magical things will happen
Like a giant beach ball will fly in the air, or someone will crowd surf or you’ll end up taking to a TOTAL STRANGER.
Unusual things always happen at festivals:
Niall Carson/PA Archive/Press Association Images
12. Cute kids!
If you have kids or just enjoy the smiles on the faces of happy children then Electric Picnic is brilliant.
You can bring your children along to the specially designated areas and know that it’s an unique and family friendly weekend away.
You’ll also get to see kids wearing amazing ear muffs and making faces like this:
Niall Carson/PA Archive/Press Association Images
13. You can jump around the place holding an ice cream
That wouldn’t be acceptable anywhere else in the country but at Electric Picnic now would it?
Laura Hutton / Photocall Ireland
14. You can pop down to the designated Picnic Shop
Nothing says “Irish festival” more then queuing for hours to buy overpriced soft drinks and other life essentials after forking out €10 for an organic gourmet-falafel-burger wrap-with-extra-lettuce-sandwich at some food stall.
Just looking at this picture of the Electric Picnic shop makes us emotional to be honest:
Laura Hutton / Photocall Ireland
15. The style is at the absolute maximum all weekend
Do you have the urge to dress like a Power Ranger in response to your busy lifestyle as a 35 hedge-fund (whatever they are) manager with three kids and a mortgage that’s leaving you financially crippled?
Well then you let that out at Electric Picnic girlfriend because it’s expected of you:
Laura Hutton / Photocall Ireland
If you are a performer and want to wrap balloons around yourself, there is only one place where that sartorial genius will truly take flight and that is Electric Picnic:
Laura Hutton / Photocall Ireland
We mean if you’re feeling a little bit cheeky, then why not express yourself?
And by cheeky we mean you might as well just show off your bum.
Sasko Lazarov / Photocall Ireland
16. The rave in the forest
Every year at Electric Picnic lots of interesting things happen in forests.
There are showers outdoors. There are hot tubs. There are people sitting around roaring fires talking about their feelings (probably).
And there is the forest rave.
It’s always a bunch of people dancing in a forest very late at night and having a great old time.
It basically looks a bit like this (this isn’t from EP but might as well be because it’s in a forest and involves “raving”)
PSGMedia / Tumblr
17. It’s very glamourous
Look at this glamourous group washing themselves in the great outdoors and brushing their teeth like true rockstars.
Just so glamourous
Sasko Lazarov / Photocall Ireland
18. It’s like a little community
There’s nothing like the buzz of the campsite, all of you stacked up like festival-loving sardines where you can hear every word / sigh / bodily function of the people in the tents around you.
This isn’t a photo of the campsite of Electric Picnic, this is a photo of a community of like minded individuals happy to share each other’s space
And there’s a guy holding a toilet roll in the middle of it. Amazing
Laura Hutton / Photocall Ireland
19. Even leaving the festival is fun.
Oh you might think that packing up for the festival is a bit grim given it’s the end of a weekend of fun.
But hold on!
It is fun.
In fact as evidenced by 2010 festival patron Denise Rock it’s a chance to wear whatever you like and smile lots.
G’wan Denise
Laura Hutton/Photocall Ireland
Ultimately when we think of Electric Picnic we truly do visualise ourselves as Denise: smiling, wearing a rain poncho and very little clothing on the bottom half of our body.
God bless Electric Picnic.
Laura Hutton/Photocall Ireland
Due to ongoing proceedings any comments referring to the legal aspect of Electric Picnic will be removed. Please leave us your favourite memories and stories of Electric Picnic though.
Portaloo ones and all…