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16 reasons why we're going to miss 30 Rock

This could also be called: 16 reasons why you should have been watching 30 Rock all along.

THE LAST EVER episode of 30 Rock airs on US TV tonight.

Hold us.

If you’ve loved 30 Rock and will sorely miss it, here are 16 things to help you remember why it’s so great.

If you’ve never seen it, here are 16 things to make you start watching it straight after number 16.

1. Liz and Jack




2. Jenna’s self importance

Images: Fy30Rock

3. Kenneth Parcell quotes

4. Jack’s love of Phil Collins

Image: Lol30Rock

5. Amazing guest star #1

Matt Damon played Liz Lemon’s boyfriend Carol Burnett. He was a pilot and fond of a good cry…



6. “I want to go to there”


7. Jack’s love of a good suit


8. Amazing guest star#2

Jon Hamm played Liz Lemon’s doctor boyfriend Drew.


9. The final tweets from the cast and crew

When they filmed their last scenes in December, there were some even sadder scenes on Twitter:


10. Tracy’s wife Angie and the way she says ‘ham’



11. Dr Spaceman

Pronounced ‘Doctor Spatch-eh-man”. His credentials are dubious…


12. Frank’s hats

13. Good God Lemon!



14 Amazing guest star #3

Oprah played Liz Lemon’s seat partner on a plane… only it wasn’t really Oprah. Liz had taken a pill and was actually talking to a teenage girl. It was really Oprah though…


Honorable guest star mentions to James Franco, David Schwimmer, Juilianne Moore, Jason Sudeikis, Michael Sheen, Conan O’Brien, Salma Hayek, Edie Falco, Elizabeth Banks, Condaleeza Rice, Isabella Rosselini, Tom Hanks, Jennifer Aniston, Bryan Cranston, Denise Richards, Al Gore, Carrie Fisher, Will Arnett and many, many more.

15. The world through Kenneth’s eyes


16. Jack’s one-liners


This list could have been fifty, NAY ONE HUNDRED, strong.

Godspeed 30 Rock.

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About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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