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Ten thousand Irish people have signed up to the 'Tinder for threesomes' app


kink Source: 3nder

SOMETIMES JUST ONE swipe right isn’t enough.

How about two swipes? You + two swipes = threesome.

That’s where the dating app 3nder (pronounced ‘thrinder’, or in some parts of the country, ‘thrinthur’) can help you.

Ten thousand Irish people have signed up to the service, which launched last month. TEN THOUSAND!

group Source: 3nder

Dimo Trifonov, the founder of 3nder told DailyEdge.ie that there are hopes that that number will expand to 50k (FIFTY THOUSAND) when the Android app comes out. There’s currently an online waiting list.

Trifonov says that of all of the app’s current members 80 per cent are men. Forty per cent of members joined as couples and half of those couples are looking for a bisexual or straight woman to hook up with.

The app allows you to use an alias, set up group chats, make sure your profile never crosses the eyes of any of your Facebook friends, and send ‘ephemeral’ photos, possibly with the hope of leaving them wanting more.

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About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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