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50 Cent has something to say to everyone who made fun of his pitch

That includes us. BUT WE’RE NOT SORRY.

POOR OLD 50 Cent is having a hard time after throwing what could be the worst pitch ever  at a New York Mets baseball game on Tuesday night.

Here’s the video again, for old time’s sake:

Source: MLBFanCave/YouTube

Though he laughed good-naturedly at his dodgy throw at the time, he later felt the need to prove that he was still a Tough Guy.

He responded to the world’s general amusement at his awful pitch in an Instagram video with the caption “I’m a hustler not a Damn ball player. LMAO.”


Holding a baseball bat rather menacingly, Fiddy says:

You talking about my pitch. I pitch 8 balls, 7s, 14s, 28s, 62s, 125s and 250s better than all you m*****f***ers.

So there you go, guys. We have no idea what any of that means, but consider us TOLD.



Previously: 50 Cent threw the worst first pitch ever at a baseball game last night>

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