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7 thing we learned when Arnold Schwarzenegger said "ask me anything"

The Terminator says the Republican Party need to “stay out of people’s bedrooms”, confirms that it’s not a tumour, and says he improvises every “AYYAYAGH”.


WOULD ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER rather fight 100 duck-sized predators or 1 predator-sized duck?

What does he make of the future of the Republican Party?  And in Kindergarten Cop was it, in fact, a tumour?

To promote his new film The Last Stand Schwarzenegger has taken to the website Reddit to invite its users to ‘Ask Me Anything’.

Here’s what we learned:

1. He improvises his trademark scream


2. He thinks the Republican Party should “stay out of people’s bedrooms”

The most important thing is that we need to be a party that is inclusive and tolerant. We can be those things and be the party we always have been. We need to think about the environment – Teddy Roosevelt was a great environmentalist and people forget Reagan was the one who dealt with the ozone layer with the Montreal protocol. We also need to talk about healthcare honestly – Nixon almost passed universal healthcare. We need to have an talk about immigration and realize you can’t just deport people. We need a comprehensive answer. We also need to stay out of people’s bedrooms. The party that is for small government shouldn’t be over-reaching into people’s private lives.
Mainly, we need to be a party where people know what we are for, not just what we are against.

3. It’s not a tumour


4. He has terrible handwriting

Arnie said he was going to write on his iPad to answer some of the questions, thus revealing that his handwriting is fairly woejus.

We’ve already seen an example of this in number 3, but Arnie didn’t stop there.

JLarue asked:

My daughter Chloe who is 9 is a big fan of yours. She would like to ask which role is more fun to prepare for action or comedic roles?

And when Baron Brouhaha told Schwarzenegger:

Arnold, you were an inspiration to my father who died 9 years ago. He framed your cover of Vanity Fair magazine, signed it himself, put it on his desk, and told everyone that you signed it for the entirety of his career as a trainer. I just wanted to let you know that you were a very personal hero for my father and if he were alive today, he’d be first in line to see every one of your movies.

This was the answer:

5. He would rather fight 1 predator-sized duck than 100 duck-sized predators

I would choose the 1 Predator sized duck instead of dealing with 100 duck-sized Predators. I’ve already fought a Predator-sized Predator so I am confident I could handle the duck.

Chris Pole/Shutterstock

6. The best advice he ever received was from his dad:

Always be useful.

7. His favourite politician is a democrat

Even though Congress has an approval rating of 9% (and loses to cockroaches and colonoscopies in polling), there are still some leaders who are doing the people’s work instead of the partys’ work. That’s political courage to me, being willing to risk your job to choose what’s good for the public instead of getting stuck in your ideology.
One of my favorites is Mayor Chuck Reed from San Jose. He’s a Democratic who took on pension reform, he has always put the people first. You should look him up.

That’s Mayor Reed on the right (AP Photo/Darryl Bush)

And then it was good bye from The Terminator. We wonder if he’ll be back?…

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About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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