IN EVERY ERA, there’s a group we love to loathe.
Think about it – there have been flappers, ravers, yuppies, emos, hippies, beatniks… And today we have hipsters! Each group had their own special something, and invariably the rest of the population hates them for it.
Here’s an easy how-to guide on identifying your friendly local Irish hipster. Who knows, you might even pick up some tips on how to up your cool cred.
(And be kind! You might tick more of these boxes than you think…)
1. Find the habitat
In order to spot a hipster, you need to go where they go. Attenborough-style.
Image: via Google Maps
Image: via the Bernard Shaw
In Dublin, you're best off looking in the Bernard Shaw pub or the Flea Market in Dublin 8. We've heard the Triskel Arts Centre or Gingerbread House in Cork are hipster-spotting hotspots, and the Quays or Roisin Dubh in Galway are sure to throw up a hipster or two.
2. How to get there
The hippest mode of transport is a fixed gear bike (but a true hipster will call it a "fixie"). Just as the 90s grunge kid had a skateboard, the hipster has a fixie.
Image: via
It's undeniable, though, that hipsters around town have some of the most eye-catching bikes going.
From female hipsters atop retro Dutch bikes with pretty baskets, to moustachioed male hipsters gripping red handlebars - hipsters have the cool bike market cornered.
3. Get the look
The easiest way to mark out a suspected hipster is their style.
It might not be what you'd wear down the pub yourself, but the skinny jeans, Grandad glasses and cardigan look has a certain appeal, no?
Image: via Big Funny Site
Alright, maybe not...
4. Spot the Instagram
Hipsters straddle an interesting middle-ground between embracing new technology and devoted nostalgia for times gone by.
Retro furniture and vintage clothes are paramount, yet these things would be nothing if the hipster could not Instagram them and upload them to Tumblr.
Image: via Louise McSharry/
Plus, how else would all your friends know you went to the Pitchfork music festival? Social networking is key.
There's no point being a hipster is nobody else knows, now is there? That's why you'll always see a hipster toting an iPhone.
5. Lost in music
Essential accessories for a hipster are any of the following: massive headphones, a vinyl collection, a synth - and an unbearably smug knowledge of every underground band out there.
Image: via
We have to hand it to them, though - music does sound better on vinyl.
6. Facial topiary
Gone are the days when a moustache was solely the preserve of old men.
Image: via Tumblr
Get out your clippers - the moustache is back. Hipsters are taking Movember to every month of the year.
A sure-fire way to spot the coolest cat in the room is whether he's sporting some whiskers above his lip.
Image: via Ruben Tattoo
Even girls are getting in on the hipster 'tache action. Here's an incredible combination of two hipster loves - shades and tailored facial hair.
Image: via
7. Inspiring ideas
Creativity is not just for hipsters, but most hipsters strive for creativity.
Image: via
Image: via Favim
Hipsters will dedicate themselves to their art - be it a contemporary performance piece, DSLR photography, their new indie band or simply some bad graffiti.
You can spot the tortured artist hipster at exhibition openings around the country or at the upcoming NCAD grad shows. However, it's unclear whether they are there for the culture or the free wine...
However you identify yourself, there's stuff to suit your style on Surf the vintage wares if you're hipster-inclined, or check out the range of brand-new products for sale for incredibly reasonable prices.