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9 empty threats our parents used to love

Just you WAIT until your Dad hears about this.

CHILDHOODS ARE AN amazing time of fun and happiness.

Unless your parents were annoyed at you. There was nothing worse as a child than the dreadful sinking feeling of realising you were going to be in trouble. There were some real threats, like getting your pocket money stopped for the month or being grounded.

However, there were also our parents’ more creative threats, and ones that rarely came to pass.

“Bye, we’re leaving without you!”

The fear. The panic.

Image: via Giphy

“That’s it, we’re taking it back to the shop!”

There was no way the shop were going to take back your year-old games console or battered mini trampoline.

Image: via Gifness

Yet this threat worked a treat.

“Don’t make me get the wooden spoon!”

This being produced by a parent:

Image: via Quick Meme

Led to this face from a child:

Image: via Giphy

“You’ll get square eyes from that TV!”

As a kid, nothing is better than sitting right up close to the goggle box. Unfortunately, our parents regularly assured us that this would give us goggle eyes.

From this:

Image: via 67 not out

To this:

Image: via The Meta Picture

“I’m going to count to 3!”

What would happen at 3? We don’t know, but we never dared trying to find out.

Image: via Shutterstock

“You’ve to sit there until you finish it!”

But MAM I don’t even LIKE carrots!

YouTube/Francisco Nieves

“Wait til your mother/father gets home!”

Nothing surer to stop you doing whatever bold thing it was you were doing. The other parent might find out.

Image: Giphy

“Santa is watching!”

This one was particularly terrifying, considering you were essentially being told an all-seeing, all-knowing man was monitoring your every movement.

Image: via Flickr/getdirectlydown

“The wind will change and your face will stay like that!”

This one put a chill into the heart of every child fond of pulling a face or two.

Image: via Simpsons Wiki

What things did your parents say to you that put the fear of God into you?

Read: 14 bitter truths that will ruin your childhood memories>

Read: 11 reasons older people are cooler than you>

About the author:

Fiona Hyde

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