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9 things you definitely had in your teenage bedroom

Those were the days.

YOUR TEENAGE BEDROOM was your sanctuary.

After a tearful argument with your parents over curfews and discos, it was where you ran, slammed the door and blasted angsty lyrics.

Here are 9 of the things that made it special.

1. Glow in the dark stars

via  tumblr

These stars, bought in the pound shop, were painstakingly applied to the ceiling and gave off a satisfying tacky glow. Especially comforting when you were sent to bed without your dinner for giving your brother a thump at the dinner table.

2. Your secret diary

Pic: sushiina/Flickr/CreativeCommons

Don’t deny it! Somewhere well-hidden in your old room is a tear-soaked teenage diary. A locked notebook full of handwriting dotted with hearts, musings on the fairness of life, and a detailed breakdown of that week’s crushes. Some excerpts could make Adrian Mole blush.

3. The best magazine collection for miles

Pic: via Lucy Who

Stacked in the corner of your bedroom was your precious collection – including anything from the NME, Smash Hits, Kerrang!, Just Seventeen, Sugar and a straggler Beano annual from last Christmas.

4. Too many posters

Pic: via AndPop

Your bedroom walls displayed your taste in the way an iPod does now.

Your walls were where you pledged your allegiance to either Blur or Oasis, Boyzone or Take That.

They were also ideal for sticking it to the man (read: your parents) with a series of posters featuring swears and lewd stick figures. Nice.

5. A lava lamp

Pic: lava lamp via Shutterstock

Alongside a fibre optic ornament, the lava lamp was the coolest bedroom accessory going. Your friends were definitely jealous.

5. Tapes

Pic: walkman via Shutterstock

What would a teenage bedroom have been without a trusty tape collection? Stacks upon stacks of Now! compilations, songs taped off the radio – to be played on your sticker-covered Walkman, of course.

6. Teddies under the bed

Pic: Joe Telling/ Flickr/ Creative Commons

Once the hormones kicked in, credibility mattered and teddies were relegated from the bed to under it. Still close to hand, but not going to affect your street cred. On second thought, this might not just be strictly a teenage bedroom thing. Ahem.

7. Concert tickets

Pic: Rhys Asplundh/ Flickr/ Creative Commons

This was almost as key as sticking up cut out bits of magazines and posters. After every gig you went to, the concert ticket went proudly on the wall. If there was no space between the Spice Girls posters, they went safely in the memory shoe box under the bed.

8. Bunk beds

The coolest teenage bedrooms in the world still came with a little tag-along.  Bunk beds were a staple of bedrooms growing up. They came with a simple set of ground rules – youngest on the bottom, no snoring, and no kicking the mattress above.

9. A mess

Pic: via InteriorDesignAndMore

Nuff said.

Tell us, what was the best/worst thing about your room as a teenager?

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About the author:

Fiona Hyde

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