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Woman calls 999 to moan that her ice cream didn't have enough sprinkles

What a head-melt. GET IT?

2565867323_09a8ab9e1d_b An ice-cream with a nice amount of sprinkles. Source: Flickr/Mor

IS IT ANY wonder she got a frosty reception (ahem) from the operator? Seriously.

A woman in the UK made an emergency call to complain that her ice cream didn’t have enough sprinkles. Yes, really.

The West Midlands Police in the UK released audio of the call, complete with a super-snarky tweet:


Here’s what the woman had to say for herself:

I’m sorry to ring and it doesn’t seem like it should be an emergency but it is a little bit because I’m at an ice cream van and I’ve ordered an ice cream, yeah, and the person has basically given me the ice cream.
He’s put bits on one side and none on the other, so I said to him, can you do it properly please. and he’s like, no no I won’t do it properly. I said, OK fine then, can I have my money back, you can give keep the ice cream. He’s refusing to give me my money back, saying I’ve got to take it like that.

At this point, the 999 operator calmly tells her that her complaint is a civil matter, and that she should take her grievances to “the internet”.

We admire her patience.

Here’s the full audio:

Source: westmidlandspolice/SoundCloud

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