Dublin: 7 °C Friday 14 March, 2025

6 people who are NOT happy about spring

Hello allergies my old friend.

AH SPRING. LAMBS-a-leaping, flowers-a-blooming and, temperatures-a-rising.

It’s also the season of grass-a-cutting and pollen counts-a-getting-out-of-control though, and with spring comes allergies.

1. The person who left this message written in pollen

Via Imgur

2. This woman


3. This little girl

Via imgfave.com

4. This rabbit whose sneeze just won’t come

Via Tumblr

5. The person watching this smug fieldmouse frolicking in the flowers

6. The person with allergies near this woman


Via ICanHasCheezburger

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About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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