IT’S SO HARD to say goodbye.
Everyone knows that familiar pang of sorrow when we realise we only have a few episodes left in a beloved TV series.
It’s been three years since we said goodbye to the MTV reality show The Hills, and according to Inside TV, they’re giving viewers a chance for a finale “do over”. This summer, the channel will air a different, alternate ending to the series.
It got us thinking about other programmes we’d like to re-do. Please be warned: SERIOUS spoilers to follow.
The Sopranos
With the sad passing of James Gandolfini, a lot of people are talking about the iconic black screen end to arguably the best TV series of all time. It divides the fans – some love its ambiguity, while others desperately needed closure.
(Did you think your TV had broken when it first aired? Us too. Tell no one.)
This was a weird one and no mistake. JJ Abrams certainly has form for this, with Felicity being his first show before Alias and Lost.
Felicity was a realistic – hear that Abrams? – drama about one girl’s love life and college experience. However, they introduced a WITCH’S SPELL four episodes from the end, having been instructed to drag it out further by the network.
A witch’s spell? Seriously?
YouTube/Kath Chan
Nothing induces rage in a TV fan more than mentioning the Lost finale. A terrifying mess of weird concepts and absolutely no definitive answers.
We waited through all 6 seasons for that? THAT?
X Files
The X Files season finale threw up more questions than it answered – deliberately. The idea was that the questions would be answered in movie format.
The problem with this little plan was that by the time the movies finally materialised, everyone had kind of lost interest.
A glorified and bizarre clip show, showcasing the one possible negative aspect of the show: self-indulgence.
Jerry hismelf said it best in the Seinfeld episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm, “Look, we already screwed up one finale…”
We’ve all got that one episode we’re itching to re-write. What TV show endings would you like to re-do? Let us know in the comments.