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Hurling has gone super viral today for looking like 'medieval warfare'

“F**kin’ brutal.”

Conor O'Brien and Alan Cadogan Source: Lorraine O'Sullivan/INPHO

EVERY SO OFTEN, the world takes notice of hurling. And every time, they can’t believe what they’re seeing.

A post outlining the rules and quirks of the game with some illustrative gifs is going viral on image sharing site Imgur today, racking up almost 50,000 views.

It begins by saying:

People have described it as a cross between hockey and murder.

Well like, they’re not wrong.

xNJNTSq Source: Imgur

It goes on to detail how the players don’t get paid and helmets were only made mandatory in the last few years, as well as explaining the correct pronunciation of ‘sliotar’.

giphy Source: Giphy

All very rudimentary stuff to us, but the non-Irish users are once again taken aback.

“Looks like medieval warfare,” said one. “F**kin’ brutal,” said another.

I have played lacrosse my entire life thinking it was the fastest sport on grass… I may have been wrong.
I saw a match on TV in a pub in Ireland once. I was the only one who said ‘OOH!” when someone got smashed in the mouth with the hurley.
It’s like someone watched a rugby game and said, “I wonder what would happen if we gave them bats.”


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