THE NEWS THAT Amy Poehler will be coming to Dublin this Friday has been greeted with universal hysteria by her fans.
She won’t be short of things to do while here though. And some have been very vocal with their own suggestions:
A night out (with added vinegar)
A date in Dublin (airport) awaits
A nice breakfast and some smokes
A night out for Paddy’s Day, perhaps?
She will have about 1,143 best friend offers coming her way over the next few days
Perhaps if everyone grouped together, the friendship plan could work
There will be many who want to just stand there and shout Parks and Rec references at her all day
This should be allowed.
Offers for body parts for a ticket are already flooding in as well
We feel Amy might not see these as the most appealing offers for her stay in Dublin. But still, people are trying their best.