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Amy Schumer is just as excited about the new Gilmore Girls trailer as you are

It’s back this November! Squee!

gil Source: Netflix

EARLIER THIS EVENING, Netflix announced that Gilmore Girls would return on November 25th — huzzah!

As previously announced, Gilmore Girls will return for four ninety-minute episodes this winter in which we’ll get to see what the gals have been up to over the past few years.

To whet everyone’s appetite, they even released this teaser in which Lorelai and Rory gab about whether or not Amy Schumer would like them.


No sooner had the trailer gone live than a certain Amy Schumer was weighing in on it.

On the assertion that all she does is partake in watersports (outstanding observation, Rory) she had this to say:

And then she confirmed that she *would * like Lorelai.


All together now: “If you’re out on the road, feeling lonely and so cold…”

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About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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