WE’RE ALL VERY familiar with One Direction’s What Makes You Beautiful.
It’s impossibly catchy and the sentiment behind it is perfectly nice — what’s not to love?
On last night’s episode of Inside Amy Schumer, the comedian brilliantly took the piss out of the song as well as the notion that men prefer women who don’t wear make-up.
Sample lyric?
Girl, you don’t need make-up/Your perfect when you wake up/Just don’t outside like that, okay
The sketch has received widespread praise on social media today with many applauding the way it tackles the impossible beauty standards women are held to.
Before the sketch aired, Amy Schumer shared a no make-up selfie and encouraged her followers to send her photos of their make-up free faces.
And it exploded.
Women from all walks of life tagged Schumer in their no make-up selfies under the hashtag #girlyoudontneedmakeup.
The selfies are still continuing to pour in with Vanity Fair describing it as a “revolution“.
Last night, Schumer signed off Twitter with this lovely message.
Preach, sister.