1. Delivered all the way to Tallafornia.
2. A beer mat? With a drawn on stamp? Challenge accepted.
Your move, Mr Claus.
3. Couriers are also amateurs in comparison.
4. When Leo Varadkar wasn’t even Taoiseach yet
5. Waterford postmen are a different breed.
6. Good one, guys.
7. You know yer one? An Post know yer one.
8. This one didn’t even have writing on it THEY DELIVERED IT BASED OFF OF A DRAWING.
9. It also doesn’t matter if your house doesn’t have a name or number.
An Post will find you, and they will … Deliver to you.
10. Shoutout to Frosty in Roscommon.
I’m sure Frosty is their Christian name and all.
11. Somewhere in Dublin 2. Be grand.
12. ‘Albert, Cardonagh, Ireland’.
13. ‘Your man with the glasses’
14. Rick O’Shea, somewhere around RTÉ, probably.
15. Even the guy who mad puzzle envelopes (yes, you read that correctly) was no match for An Post.
16. In a lot of ways, I am an Irish legend. I wonder could they deliver to me?
Fair play to Eleanor’s fans for maintaining the almost lost art of fan mail.