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9 strange and annoying things all your couple friends do

All the gooseberries in the house, put your hands up!

WHEN YOU’RE SINGLE, it’s hard to remember the particular madness of being one half of a couple. Why do they need to text each other all the time? When did they get so soppy?

Here are ten things couples do that will be very familiar to all those who have played gooseberry over the years.

Take a preposterous amount of time to say goodbye

you hang up

You’re going to see them TOMORROW. COME ON.

Sneak kisses when they think you’re not looking

vomit hermione Source: Twitter/@Dobbymore

You might not be looking straight at them, but you’re not deaf to the slobbering going on in the background. Slobbering!

Air their weird in-jokes in public

“Ahaha, that pug reminds me of you when you do that scrunchy face, aw!”

giphy Source: Giphy

Do not speak of the scrunchy face ever again. Don’t do it.

Bring their other half everywhere

You’re starting to think of putting ‘No plus ones’ on the end of every text.

anigif_enhanced-2050-1402510480-1 Source: Buzzfeed

Discuss their planned mini-breaks/holidays

minibreak Source: Shutterstock

Well isn’t it well for ye?

Hand out unsolicited relationship advice

After you’ve been ‘seeing someone’ for about three weeks:

You should ask him where he sees the relationship going. Brian and I seriously discussed our future after about a month. It’s the only way.

When you’re taking someone on a date:

For our first date, I organised a picnic in the park with champagne and strawberries. But you could just take her to the pub, yeah.

jenniferlawrenceokaythumbup Source: Imgur

And hold themselves up as a perfect relationship

Instagram photo by Beyoncé * Feb 23, 2015 at 8:57pm UTC Source: beyonce

“Oh, we never fight, we resolve things calmly and maturely.”

You don’t mention that you regularly hear them sniping at each other, of course.

Drop veiled hints at their happiness in the bedroom

Extremely thinly-veiled hints.

giphy Source: Giphy


And send constant texts to their OH

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