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The 11 most annoying drivers on Irish roads

How many of these will you meet on your commute?

WE HAVE SEEN them. We have raged at them. We have probably shouted at our steering wheels because of them.

Presenting: the 11 most annoying drivers on Irish roads.

(Note: before anyone kicks off, the genders are randomly assigned.)

1. Mr No Indicators

What, are you saving them for the disco later?


2. Ms Last Minute Lane Switch

A commuter specialty: the driver who breezes past a long, long line of cars… then wants to turn into it at the last moment. Blocking both lanes while they do so, naturally.


3. Mr Repeatedly Braking Slightly For No Reason

Are they testing the pedal? Are they absent-mindedly tapping their feet to the music? Either way, this is a recipe for driving the person behind gradually bonkers.

Flickr/Gustav H

(Note: if they’re doing this because you’re tailgating them and making them nervous, you really only have yourself to blame.  Only a fool breaks the two second rule!)

4. Ms Got The Horn

Ten-nanosecond delay at the lights? BLAAAAAAARP BLAAAAARRRRRP.

Flickr/Tomás Fano

5. Mr Big Choon

It’s very public-spirited to let us ALL hear your music. But in these modern times, each car is equipped with its OWN radio and stereo system.


6. Ms Pole Position

The person who inches forward at a light, so they can gain that precious extra six inches when it turns green. Really?


7. Mr I Know This Road Like The Back Of My Hand

Driving along an unfamiliar country road in the dark? That’ll be when the man in the ’92 Corolla drives nine inches behind your back bumper, FURIOUS that you’re not throwing yourself around blind corners at 80kph.


8. Ms All-Powerful Hazard

People who assume that putting the hazards on cloaks them from regular parking rules (ie: bus lane, up on a curb, outside of the chemist while they are picking up their anti-moron cream.)

Flickr/I See Modern Britain

9. Mr What Is That Mysterious Box

The person who believes that the yellow box is there in order for them to drive into it, and then stop.

Flickr/Elsie esq.

10. Ms Pointless Overtaking

The person who blazes past you with engine roaring… only to turn off (or get stuck in traffic) 50 yards ahead.

Good job, pal. Good job.

11. Anyone doing anything illegal in a more expensive car than yours

Which will cause you to immediately assume that they’re an unscrupulous banker/corporate fat cat. And become enraged.

Flickr/Daniel Photos

Well? What have we missed? Let us know in the comments…

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About the author:

Michael Freeman

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