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11 things that make you want to give the internet a slap across the face


CLEARLY THE INTERNET has added a lot to our lives.  We can access information and communicate more easily than ever before.

However, there are times when you want to give the internet a good slap across the face.  Times like these.

Websites crashing at crucial moments


Trying to get those free tickets?  Access that ‘one hour only’ sale? Get your hands on Glastonbury tickets?

It’s always at those moments that websites crash.  And it is infuriating.

Grammar Nazis

grammar nazi Source: Funny Junk

Technically their existence isn’t the internet’s fault, but the internet allows them to be who they are.

Screw you grammar demons. Screw you.

Captchas that are impossible to type

Impossible-Captcha Source: OACTechnology

Oh yes, of course, I’ll just type that right in for you… OH WAIT I CAN’T BECAUSE I’M USING AN ENGLISH KEYBOARD AND I DON’T SPEAK SYMBOLS.

Notification e-mails from services you don’t use


Do they really need to send out so many e-mails?  Really, though?

NSFW pop up ads


Oh thanks internet!  I really needed those tits to pop up onscreen during a meeting with my boss!

Speech bubbles on YouTube

go away Source: YouTube

No.  Just no.

Internet lingo

Like om nom nom…

om nom



Or ‘just saying’

just saying

Are you sure you want to leave this page?


Yes, pop-up that I never asked for in the first place. I’m sure.

Facebook game notifications


You think you’re really popular, but really it’s just your friends begging you for help with Farmville/Caféworld/Candy Crush.



Verification codes for card purchases


They make you choose a code that’s really long and complicated, so you can never remember it which means every internet purchase is a stress fest.

Here are the noises that animals make in other languages>

The 8 stages of procrastination>

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