Dublin: 5 °C Monday 10 March, 2025

9 reasons people on holidays should be banned from social media

Just stop it with your happiness.

AH, SUMMER. THE season of smug holiday-goers.

That’s all well and good when it’s your go, but the social media updates of others? Unbearable.

1. Phone weather screenshots

“Clear skies ahead SO excited. This time next week Xxx”



2. Packing shots

Oh, by all means, show us your gateway to flimsy-clothed freedom while we layer on an extra jumper in mid-June.

neta wants to come home to SF! Source: Shockingly Tasty

3. Back-and-forths

The worst is when you’re friends with a few different people going on holidays together. Their conversations pop up every time, like a constant reminder of their summer betrayal.

Last day in work!
Listen to this summer tune!
We NEED to go to this water park!

And you’re just at your desk like.


4. Checking in at the airport


“Enjoy hun.”


5. Checking in EVERYWHERE



6. Photos of cocktails or ice cold beers

Bonus smug points if they’re by the pool or have a sparkler in them.

10424666_890429664306447_1925935730_n Source: elaesmerelda

7. A photo captioned ‘paradise’


914735_532496313528830_652161954_n Source: beachbumbikinisx



8. Photos of their legs by the pool

All you can think of now is if they might be hotdogs.

tumblr_muukttUP9c1sftuuto1_1280 Source: Hot Dogs or Legs

9. Statuses declaring how sad they are to be leaving

“Dying for my own bed. So sunburned.”

Now’s YOUR chance to be smug. Your skin is still white and you’ve been in your own bed this weekend for more time than is healthy.



11 activities every Irish kid did during the summer>

7 essentials every Irish person needs on a sunny day>

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