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Apple's latest innovation is a round pizza box and we're not sure how to feel about it

If it’s not broken, don’t fix it.

APPLE USERS DEFINITELY have a love-hate relationship with the company. On one hand, the phones are undeniably nice to use. There are people who could never buy an Android and leave Apple’s emojis, iMessage or Facetime behind.

But there’s no denying that there are a whole host of problems, including terrible charging cables, extremely fragile screens and users feeling completely locked into the products because of a number of features that make changing phone extremely tedious.

It seems that while we have a huge host of issues that Apple needs to get working on (creating more durable screens that don’t cost €200 to replace and phones that are properly waterproof) they just feel like kicking back in Silicon Valley and dreaming up products that most people don’t care about. Exhibit A:

PastedImage-72124 Source: Apple

But now they’re taking it to another level.

Don’t get us wrong, we’re well aware that you can focus on two things at once and that this, by far, isn’t the companies biggest priority. But do we really need a round pizza box?

This week Wired got an exclusive look at Apple’s new Silicon Valley campus. They described it as “Flawless curves. Milled aluminium. Endless glass. Walled garden. Sounds like an Apple product”. Since when does the iPhone give you a walled garden?

What stood out to most readers in this sneak peek was the fact that the article revealed a newly patented Apple pizza box.

Here it is:

PastedImage-29744 Source: Wired

For workers who want to take the café’s pizza back to their pods, Apple created (and patented) a container that lets air and moisture escape so the crust won’t get soggy.

In one way, it makes sense. It’s easy to wonder why pizza boxes are square in the first place, but obviously it has made more sense logistically for them to be flattened to take up minimal space.

Have you ever seen how many they go through in the pizza capital of the world, Dominos in Tallaght? Apple’s circular containers look like they would take up slightly more space, even when stacked.

How is this innovative? There’s nowhere to even put a garlic sauce.

Like some of Apple’s other moves (insert passive aggressive mention of the removal of the 3.5mm headphone jack) this seems to make no sense.

In the same Wired interview, they brag about having the capability to product the largest pieces of glass in the world (which they plan to do on their campus), yet somehow they can’t share the goods and offer us an affordable way to fix cracked screens without risking bricking our phones.

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About the author:

Kelly Earley

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