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Are You An Absolute Wagon?

It’s time to find out.

wagon Source: Flickr

You're on a night out with your mate when you're joined by someone your mate fancies. What do you do?
Make a big song and dance about it and say something suggestive like "I'll leave you two alone"
Not so subtly say you're "going to the bathroom" and wink as you're leaving.

Stay for as long as you need to, but take the hint to go when the time is right
You're uploading photos from a night out when you spot a particularly unflattering one of your mate. Do you...
Upload it and tag your mate. What? It's funny!
Upload it without tagging your mate. You'll delete it if they really want you to.

Delete it from your camera/phone forever like the good egg you are.
There's a tiny drop of milk at the end of the carton. What do you do?
Go to the shops and buy a new one immediately.
Use the last drop and throw the carton away without buying a new one.

Put it back in the fridge and hope someone else will buy it.
A person is looking for a free seat on the bus and your bag is in the seat next to you. What do you do?
Stick in your headphones and pretend not to see them looking for a seat.
Remove the bag immediately.

Take the bag off only when they ask.
Have you ever skipped a bathroom queue at a festival and used the "I'm just looking for my friend" excuse?
Never, there are some things you just don't do.
What are your feelings on using your phone in the cinema?
It's okay if you're just checking the time or sending an emergency text.

It should be BANNED.
You see someone leaving the bathroom with toilet paper stuck to the bottom of their shoe. What do you do?
Alert them to it immediately.
Leave them off. It's not my problem.
Someone tells you a secret. Do you...
Keep it to yourself.
Set up a private Whatsapp group and tell everyone immediately.

Tell one or two people with the stipulation that they "keep this on the DL".
Finally, pick a Kardashian.
Kim Kardashian/Instagram

Kylie Jenner/Instagram
Answer all the questions to see your result!
You scored out of !
You are an absolute wagon
There's no two ways about it -- you're an absolute wagon ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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You scored out of !
You're a bit of a wagon now
You have slight wagon tendencies, but nobody would go so far as to call you an "absolute wagon". You better watch it, though.
Share your result:
You scored out of !
You're not a wagon at all!
Congrats! You're a good egg.
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How Wanky Are You? 

How Well Do You Remember Clarissa Explains It All?

About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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