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Are You Procrastinating Right Now?

Come on, it’ll only take a minute.

promain Source: imgur

1. Well, you're doing this quiz, aren't you?
Well yes, I suppose I am
Shuttup you!
2. How many social media tabs/apps have you opened in the past 30 mins? BE HONEST

3 or more
3. Choose a puppy
4. Choose a pizza
5. Now, having chosen a puppy and pizza, can't you agree that you are procrastinating just a smidge?
Okay, yes, you've got me.
6. Which of these is the most acceptable excuse not to study?
Urgent room cleaning
Frantic clothes folding

Important telly watching
Vital email returning
7. Pick your favourite Friend

8. Choose your favourite corn snack
9. Still think you're not procrastinating?
I am 100% procrastinating
I'm just taking a small break. THAT'S ALLOWED, RIGHT?
10. You wish there were more questions don't you?
No (but yes)
Answer all the questions to see your result!
You scored out of !
There is only one possible outcome. You are procrastinating
Do yourself a favour and go on Facebook/Twitter/YouTube/DailyEdge.ie for a while. Ease yourself back into work/study. You're worth it.
Share your result:
You scored out of !
You are procrastinating, but you're in denial
Do yourself a favour and go on Facebook/Twitter/YouTube/DailyEdge.ie for a while. Ease yourself back into work/study. You're worth it.
Share your result:

About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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