JESSE AND SKYLAR from Breaking Bad might not be the most perfect role models ever, but their names as still taking parents’ fancy.
According to the TV show is responsible for a surge in both names’ popularity.
‘Jesse’ has increased in popularity by 13 per cent in the UK, while Skylar is up a whopping 70 per cent.
Meanwhile Sarah Barrett from BabyCentre said that there’s been a decline in parents choosing royal names like George, Kate, William and Charles:
No-one wants their baby to take after Jesse Pinkman but there’s a recognition that while Breaking Bad is the show on everyone’s lips right now it’s unlikely to be in 10 years’ time, whereas Prince George will still very much be in the public eye.
The site didn’t register any marked increase in the names Walt, Walter or Heisenberg.
A Stark rise
Last year Game of Thrones inspired the name Arya to become the fastest rising female baby name of 2012 in the US.
BabyCentre now reports that Arya is up a massive 183 per cent on its list; it’s at number 65 out of 200.
The site also registered its first Baby Sansa this year.
BabyCentre’s data is compiled from information provided by about 21,000 users of the site, so is nowhere near as reliable as data from a central statistics agency.
The most recent official information from Ireland’s CSO determined that Jack and Emily were the most popular names in 2011.