IF YOU WERE wondering how exactly the 12 Pubs crowds and Christmas party hordes would continue terrorising the nation after being banned from so many establishments, here is your answer.
Two-person novelty Christmas jumpers!
You can see them already, can’t you, lumbering through the streets, confounding bartenders, the two of them sipping the same pint. What larks!
This particular garment is on sale for €29.33 on ASOS – it’s by the brand Boohoo, though it is mysteriously missing from their own site.
Maybe they have washed their hands of it. Very wise of them.
There is always the possibility that it isn’t intended as a 12 Pubs/Christmas party gag, and actually something for couples to buy for each other and wear… But we don’t want to entertain that possibility.
Don’t do it. Don’t let the Christmas spirit completely warp your mind. Have a mince pie and settle down.
H/T @CiaraMPSI