FIFTY SHADES OF Grey has encouraged many people to be a lot more forward about their kinks, but we weren’t sure that honesty had reached the West of Ireland. Until now.
John O’Neill spotted this intriguing sign in a shop window in Sligo during the Fleadh:
€2.50 each or any five for €10
Ass-plugs? Openly on sale? In Sligo?
We think this is a fishing shop, so we *think* we understand what’s going on here.
It was quite a risky Google, but the term ‘ass plugs’ (and also ‘butt plugs’) can be used to refer to these little things, which are placed at the end/ass/butt of a fishing rod.
We wonder how awkward it must have been for fishermen once the other, more kinky items came into play. Just imagine.
Thanks to John O’Neill for this childish LOL