WHY DO AMERICANS get all the shows before us? It’s not fair.
The final episode of Breaking Bad was broadcast last night in the states, but for many of us who have been otherwise occupied all day, we won’t get a chance to watch it until tonight, leaving us on edge all day.
Those who try to ruin it just don’t understand.
So you got up super early to watch it before the rest of Ireland…
But, of course, it wasn’t on Netflix yet and you had to leave for work
So now you can’t even THINK about reading any form of newspaper for the day
As for Twitter… it’s a minefield out there
Then there’s the chance you’ll overhear something while you make a cup of tea in the office kitchen. Good morning? You’ve already said too much!
Those across the room discussing the shocker? Not on your watch
Just as you think you’re safe, an oblivious friend links to a spoilerific headline on Facebook
Some joker, noticing how worked up you’re getting, decides to come over and pretend to spoil it for ‘the bants’
As your co-workers and friends get spoiled, you have to be there for them despite knowing they have nothing to lose and may bring you down with them
It’s worth it though, when you finally get home later and load up Netflix… success