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CHALLENGE: Can you pronounce these baffling Irish names?

No offence intended, but if your parents gave you one of these names you have every right to hate them.

AS THE WORLD waits with bated breath to see what name the Royal Baby ™ is given (or doesn’t, y’know that’s cool too), we thought it was the perfect time to reflect on the names we are all given by our parents.

In Ireland, our names can cause us great difficulty when travelling abroad.  It’s annoying.

Sometimes though, an Irish name goes beyond that.  Sometimes an Irish name is so awkward, even Irish people can’t manage it.

Like these for example.


Are you kidding me?!?  Feardorcha? Flickr/bbaunach

It might mean ‘dark man’ which is brooding and sexy, but imagine spending your life explaining that to people as they butcher your name.

Sorry for your troubles.


I thought you loved me Mam! Shutterstock

This is a girl’s name, and means ‘beautiful, beloved girl’.  Lovely.

Probably not so much when you’re in primary school though.


RISTÉARD? I can’t believe this! Flickr/azfar ahmad | thepatahtumbuh

Fortunately Risteárd Cooper has softened the blow for all other Risteárd’s, however that ‘s’ sound will probably cause them bother for life.


Why you do me like that, dad? Flickr/Fiery-Phoenix

It may look like Isobel but in fact it's 'Ish-bail'.

Imagine explaining that to everyone you meet.


You have to change it. It's not too late! Flickr/jason_diceman

Aside from the way in which some people struggle with the 'ch' sound in Fachtna, someone is spreading a nasty rumour that this name means hostile.


I'll be explaining this my whole life! Shutterstock

You know most of these guys as Conor, but when parents choose the Gaelic version they are delivering trouble to their children.

It may look like three syllables, but it is in fact two.  'Coh-hor' is what these lads are forced to say to everyone they meet.


This is all your fault! Shutterstock

It means 'famous'.  In 2012 in the U.S. less than five boys were given it as a name.

Thinking of you, Roibeards.


I don't even think this is a real name!! Shutterstock

The Irish for Sybil, it means prophetess.  And years of torment.


No one will be able for this. NO ONE! Shutterstock

Would you believe this is pronounced Kee-lin?  You probably would.

Imagine the struggle poor Caoilfhionns endure.

Do you have one of these names?  We feel for you. Share your torment in the comments.

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