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10 awkward moments every vegetarian has experienced

“Any vegetarian option? No? Right.”

TODAY IS WORLD Meat Free Day, which raises awareness of the benefits of a (slightly) meatless diet.

For vegetarians, Meat Free Day is every day. And these awkward moments are for life, not just for June 15.

1. Ordering pizza at a party

vegi supreme


“Can I just – can I – excuse me – is there any chance we could get a pizza that isn’t called ‘Meat Feast’? Thanks.”

2. When people eat all the vegetarian option before you can get to it

21a6f9fb-1ebe-4132-8d9e-e4f990393091 Source: Playbuzz

Where are you going with the last of the cheese pizza? And why are all the non-vegetarians fully gorging on the veggie tapas? HELP ME.

3. “Can I eat this burger in front of you?”

Nicki-and-Beyonce-burger Source: Urbanislandz

As long as you’re not rubbing it all over your face, yes.

4. “I suppose you think you’re so much better than me for not eating meat.”

anigif_enhanced-buzz-586-1389801034-8 Source: Buzzfeed

See above.

5. When people wave meat at you to ‘tempt’ you

giphy Source: Giphy

Oooh! Ya almost got us.

6. When someone casually offers you a sweet

But is there gelatine? *scans ingredients*

7. When you spot bacon/chicken in your ‘vegetarian’ salad

giphy Source: Giphy

Give it back, pick it out, or just go hungry from the effort of it all?

8. Dealing with people’s reactions to tofu and Quorn

quornmince Source: Ocado

Do not pity us. We’re doing fine.

9. Being asked how you get your protein

Aren’t you the concerned citizen?

Lucille-Bluth-Eye-Roll-Arrested-Development-GIF Source: SurvivingCollege

*takes deep breath* Lentils, chickpeas, tofu, nuts, and beans, to name but a few. Happy?

10. And being invited to a dinner party

Say you’re a vegetarian and make the host cook something especially for you, or keep quiet and just eat all the veg?

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