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Here's why people are dressing their babies up as Star Wars characters

This. This is why we have children.

MARK ZUCKERBERG RECENTLY welcomed his first daughter into the world.

Dec2015_Family_highres Source: Mark Zuckerberg

The Facebook founder posted a rather cute photo of little Max, captioning it ‘The force is strong with this one’.

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There she is, complete with Jedi robes, Chewbacca, Darth Vader, and BB-8.

People began doing the same, and they’re impossibly cute

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This little tot is surrounded by all the gang

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Omgg where are they getting these toys from

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Being a Jedi is tiring work

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Like, exhausting

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Even the dogs were getting a look in

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Harrison Ford has this to say to people sharing Star Wars spoilers>

This Dublin cinema got people to be quiet for Star Wars with a brilliant message>

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