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11 babies whose parents think they're toys

They’re not just for dressing up you know.

AH THE JOY of having children.  What a fulfilling experience it is, allowing you to feel a deep and meaningful connection to another human being beyond what you might have comprehended previously.  It is truly a spiritual gift.

It is also a great opportunity to dress your baby up for your own amusement.

Here are eleven babies whose parents really embraced the ‘dressing their baby up for their own amusment’ aspect of things.

The baby dressed up like a taco

"What are you looking at?  Never seen a baby dressed up like a taco before?" Can’t see the image? Try reloading this post. (Imgur)

The baby dressed as an owl.

"These people are imbeciles."   Flickr/Wayan Vota/Creative Commons

The other baby dressed as an owl

"Please help.  Please.  I can't believe you're just taking a picture of this."  Flickr/lily_nymph/Creative Commons

The baby dressed as peas in a pod

"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE?!?"  Flickr/Kelly Sue/Creative Commons

The baby dressed as Prince

"I'm not even that into Prince."  Can’t see the image? Try reloading this post (Imgur)

The baby dressed as Mr T

"You guys, if anything this is just mildly offensive."  Can’t see the image? Try reloading this post. (Imgur)

The baby dressed as the Dalai Llama

"These glasses are more Ghandi than Dalai Llama.  If they're going to do this I wish they'd do it right."  Can’t see the image? Try reloading this post (Imgur)

The baby dressed up like the old man from Up

"This is actually pretty good guys."  Can’t see the image? Try reloading this post (Imgur)

The baby dressed as a shark

"Heh heh...sorry dude...I'm just really baked."  Can’t see the image? Try reloading this post (Imgur)

The baby dressed as Zoidberg from Futurama

"I wanted to be Bart Simpson but no, apparently Futurama is waaaay better."  Can’t see the image? Try reloading this post. (Imgur)

15 things no one tells you about having kids>

These dogs and babies are really excited about the Princess Leia news>

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