POPPING UP ALL over the internet in the last few days has been this utterly adorable photo of a baby that was posted to Imgur - and it’s been viewed over 3 million times already.
But all everyone wanted to know was what exactly is going on?
Well, it might look like a strange tube, but it turns out that babies get placed in them before X-ray procedures to keep them still.
Once the image hit the front page of Reddit a user explained what the device – called the Pigg O Stat – was:
It might look hilarious, but it’s a damn life saver. It’s called a Piggostat. I use one every time I do a chest X-ray on a baby. Its use is to immobilize the child so that they don’t wiggle around. It might look scary, but it saves me from repeating my images and excess radiation.
According to the Pigg O Stat website, the device is used so that X-ray technicians can capture a picture on the first attempt – saving the poor babas from going through the process numerous times.
Some people just couldn’t get over how cute the baby was
That he was staying so calm for it was incredible
And the revelation of what a Pigg O Stat helped others out
While people already had brilliantly evil plans prepared for the photo in the future
It’s been a lesson for everyone, really
You go little guy. Such a trooper.