HERE WE GO again…
1. Thanks for the info, we guess
2. We’re sure Niall Horan wouldn’t condone this
3. Nor would Mike Tyson be thrilled with this
4. A prayer sanctioned by St Patrick himself
Lord, Irish I may, Irish I might… Not have drunk that last drink that I drank last night!
We don’t know how well this would go down with the parish priest…
5. This is just blatantly untrue
6. And this just feels like you’re shouting at us
7. Marilyn Monroe = Irish icon?
8. Sure isn’t Yoda half-leprechaun
9. OK, but why draw Dr Suess into this mess?
10. They mean the viral dance move where… you know the one when they… oh never mind
11. And there are just no words for this
This single t-shirt combines three wholly unrelated things – the ‘Damn, Daniel’ meme, Donald Trump, and St Patrick’s Day. Lots to unpack there.
BONUS: More St Patrick’s Day knickers
No part of your body is safe.
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