Dublin: 7 °C Sunday 9 March, 2025

13 of the most Ballyfermot things that ever happened

A bunch of legends.


1. These battered Oreos

Courtesy of the B Borza.

2. This lad walking his sheep on a lead

NVhluxM Source: Imgur

3. Ballyer Beach

Emzcrj0 Source: Imgur, n4thxn_

4. This absolute legend

5. This horse, just wanting to get his snack box

originalub Source: Graham Darcy

6. This stark warning

So, this is legit in a store where I live. #ballyer #kantkopexoxo #dublin #irishhumour #ViolenceIsNotTheAnswer #potd #instapic #instascaredshitless Source: sillyscrapbook

7. This essential pharmacy item

8. This upsetting graffiti

9. When the lads hit the road

10. This special offer

11. When this shop opened and we finally had a place to buy swag

@podge_spillington looks like the worst shop ever :D #ballyfermot Source: michelle_farley

12. Everything that happens on the bus

13. And finally, this lad

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