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The new Band Aid 30 video spells Bob Geldof's name wrong

The name’s Gelfdof. Bob Gelfdof.

BY ALL ACCOUNTS, Band Aid 30 has been an undeniable success.

It reportedly raised £1 million in five minutes after going on release and became the fastest-selling single of 2014 after just one day of release. Like we said: success!

There is just one little thing, though.

It seems that whoever was writing the credits for Band Aid 30 was in a bit of a rush and didn’t proofread them before signing off.

Do They Know It’s Christmas? by Bob Gelfdof and Midge Ure

gelfdof Source: Band Aid/YouTube

Ah yes, the one and only Bob Gelfdof.

All hail Bob Gelfdof.

Gelfdof, Gelfdof, Gelfdof.

Here’s the new Band Aid 30 video that premiered on X Factor >

Bob Geldof just got kicked off Sky News for saying ‘Bollocks’ >

About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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