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12 stages of a bank holiday weekend we all go through

That extra day means so, so much.

1. Friday afternoon is a major struggle

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Watching that clock will only make it worse. Still, you can’t help but give it a glance.

2. You, finally leaving the office

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This is not some regular weekend. There is no liberating feeling quite like the nonchalant stroll out the door on a bank holiday Friday.

3. Friday night is a magical bonus night

That you rarely take advantage of because you’re pretty tired.

This cat knows how to sleep Source: brndnsh

4. Saturday morning is a wonderful time to be alive

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You just can’t stop thinking about the fact that you have Monday off. Yes! An extra day! The weekend stretches out in front of you and you feel like it will never end.

5. The indecision over whether Saturday or Sunday night will be the “big one”

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Do you hold off until Sunday? But Saturday could be serious craic. DECISIONS.

6. Your plan to “do something” on Sunday morning inevitably fails

“We’re definitely doing a hike this Sunday. We have Monday off – we would be mad not to.”

Sunday morning comes:

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Let’s reschedule.

7. Monday morning is a blissful, extra lie-in that you’re just not used to

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Precious, glorious sleep.

8. But sometime around the afternoon, a strange sense of The Fear hits you

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There is a mysterious point on the Monday that the enjoyment of the day off turns to annoyance that it will soon be over. This will all be over come tomorrow morning.


9. Your glorious Saturday morning optimism has gone

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“Why did I let myself get so excited?”

10. You’re staring into the face of a cruel Monday night

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Glenroe may as well be on the TV and a stack of homework at your side. You have that back to school feeling.

11. And then it hits you, your mini-holiday is over now

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Acceptance. It’s the only way.

12. Still, four-day week ahead

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It’s not all bad. It turns out that Bank holiday weekends are the gifts that keep on giving.

If you’re one of the unlucky ones that don’t happen to have a precious extra day off this weekend, you can join our Bank Holiday support group here. We feel you. 

More 11 symptoms of Post Bank Holiday Syndrome>

More The 7 raw emotions of working on a Bank Holiday Monday>

About the author:

David Elkin

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