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QUIZ: Is the Bank Holiday weekend all it’s cracked up to be?

The Bank Holiday has come and gone. Take this quiz to see if you got any craic out of it.

SO YOU THINK that the Bank Holiday is a day universally loved by all?

Well, think again.

We’ve prepared a quiz to see how much you REALLY enjoyed it.

1. First things first. Are you working for the Bank Holiday?

A. If yes, make sure to swing by the DailyEdge.ie support group for some cheery words of solidarity. Collect 10 points for your troubles.

B. If no, then you are among the lucky few can luxuriate in a lie-in, have a leisurely breakfast and do whatever on your Bank Holiday. Collect no points.

Image: Shutterstock

2. Did the extra day off merely prolong the “back to work dread” usually felt on a Sunday evening?

A. No dread for you, because you were/are in work already. Thanks for the reminder. JEEZ. Alright, alright. Take 40 points.

B. Yes. The dread has struck deep. Curl into a ball and wish it all away. Stop the world – we want to get off. Collect 15. You only have yourself to blame.

C. Nope! You took it easy and as a result are bright and fresh and ready for whatever tomorrow brings. Collect 1 point, and stop your gloating.

3. Do you have double the hangover?

A. Nope! Was in bed early last night to make the most of the sweet day off. Collect 5 points, smuglord.

B. Please. The noises. The lights. It’s too much. Can’t hack the three day session anymore? Take these 10 points instead.

4. Did you get stuck in the endless mire of traffic?

A. I’ve seen things. Terrible things. 10 points.

B. I left early and got to my destination on time with a smile! It pays to be on time! Oh shut up. 5 points.

Image: Treehugger

5. Are you raging because everything’s shut?

A. I planned ahead, aware of the shop situation, and I’m awash with groceries. AWASH. Take no points.

B. Are you joking? I can’t even move, let alone think about going into town. Besides, takeaways are still delivering and that’s all I care about. 15 points.

Image: Wikimedia Commons

6. Did you feel pressure to enjoy yourself this weekend?

A. The pressure of a free day off is too much. It drives you the other way. Right under the duvet. Take 10 points, chump.

B. Far from feeling pressure, you’re the one putting it on everyone else. Endless texts asking is anyone up for the craic and to get moving because there’s lots on. Ease up, mate. 5 points.

Image: Quitnet

7. Do you feel guilty for not doing enough with the day off?

A. I’m consumed with the guilt. The possible craic I could have had with my day off is haunting me. It’s the Ghost of Bank Holidays Past. Next Bank Holiday Monday, things will be a lot different. They won’t. 20 points.

B. No sure I got loads done! Even managed to get up early and cut the grass. Oh well, good for you. Take 5 points then.

Drumroll, please… The results!

0 – 25 points: Congratuatlations. Nailed it. You had a great Bank Holiday weekend. Pleased with yourself, are you?

25 – 50 points: You had a fair to middling Bank Holiday weekend. It’s all we can really ask for, isn’t it?

50 – 100 points: Whoa nelly. Your weekend sucked. Made all the worse by having an extra day for extra suckiness. Sorry, pal.

How did you do? And how did you find the Bank Holiday? Share your smugness or unleash your woes in the comments.

Read: Working this bank holiday? Join our support group>

Read: 11 symptoms of Post Bank Holiday Syndrome>

About the author:

Fiona Hyde

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