LAST WEEK THERE was a big kerfuffle over in the U.S. of A. over Jay Z and Beyoncé’s holidays.
Y’see, they went to Cuba, which would be grand for us, but in America there is a trade embargo on the country so Americans are not meant to go there.
Jay Z put a cat among the pigeons when he rapped about the trip afterwards, implying that it had all been sorted out by Barack Obama himself.
The President has put the kibosh on all of that now though, saying he has ‘better things to do’ than sort out the Jay-Zs holidays.
He’s dead right. He’s a very busy man. Sure look at all the things he has to be doing!
He’s still perfecting his jump shot
AP Photo/Susan Walsh
His investment in the World’s Best Slingshot has to be cared for
AP Photo/Susan Walsh
There’s pizza to be delivered
Carolyn Kaster/AP/Press Association Images
Pablo Martinez Monsivais/AP/Press Association Images
Carolyn Kaster/AP/Press Association Images
Pablo Martinez Monsivais/AP/Press Association Images
And of course to be eaten
Carolyn Kaster/AP/Press Association Images
He and his dance teacher have yet to master the Dirty Dancing lift
AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais
He has to hang out with Enda
Susan Walsh/AP/Press Association Images
He has to rehearse his post-ace tennis celebration
AP Photo/Susan Walsh
Work on his Science experiments
AP Photo/ Evan Vucci
AP Photo/ Evan Vucci
Practice his headers
AP Photo/Susan Walsh
And of course, finish his tour of important locations from Indiana Jones
AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais
And we haven’t even mentioned the hot dogs. There are so many hot dogs to be eaten!
Jae C. Hong/AP/Press Association Images
Charles Dharapak/AP/Press Association Images
Patrick Semansky/AP/Press Association Images
AP Photo/Skip Peterson
So no. He doesn’t have time to sort out people’s holidays, and we’ll thank you to think more carefully the next time you suspect him of that kind of carry on.