BEHOLD, IRISH EMIGRANTS – the best sight you will see all day:
Yes, that’s right. A box of 40 Barry’s tea bags for $1 in the States. Sure they’re more expensive at home.
Dubliner Carl Connor posted his find to Imgur from a shop in California yesterday.
Speaking to, Carl explained the gravity of the situation:
I usually spend closer to $10 on a box of 80. The availability isn’t much of an issue, it’s just a little pricey.
This shop in question has never sold boxes of 40 before, to my knowledge, so my assumption is that they realised they had some, didn’t know what to do with them, and just wanted to clear them out.
So he bought 17 boxes, and had the photo to prove it:
And he’s not stopping there:
I completely cleared the shelves yesterday, and will do the same today when I’m heading back to do some lunch shopping.
Every tea-drinking Irish emigrant is envious right now.