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Batman and Captain America save cat from burning house

Not something you see every day.

Image: WCHS

WE’RE SURE BATMAN and Captain America were the last two people fire-fighters expected to see when they tended to a fire in West Virginia on Saturday.

John Buckland and Troy Marcum both happened to be dressed as the comic book heroes at an event at a nearby American Legion–a US veterans’ organisation–when they spotted smoke around a nearby home.

Captain America and the caped crusader were busy teaching positive lessons to kids, but neither hesitated to rush to check if anyone was inside the burning house.

Batman (Buckland) runs a business called ‘Hero 4 Hire’ and uses costumes to spread positive messages to kids. The former firefighter was at one point stationed in Iraq with the military, so had more than an inkling of what to do. A whiff of smoke and the training came flooding back, with he and sidekick Captain America smashing the window to find the only resident at home.

house Source: WSAZ

Buckland told WCHSTV that

The smoke lets out and as I can start to see I reach down and grab something furry!

The home owners’ cat has been left at home while they were away, and was said to be more than a little freaked out and what was going on.

He hissed at me and everything, he got resuscitated by batman, that’s a pretty scary thing to wake up to.

But Batman doesn’t want any praise, telling WSAZ that it was a case of

Just right place at the right time. I don’t think we did anything anybody else wouldn’t have done. Fortunately, I had some really cool clothes on to do it with, and it actually helped cause the heat really didn’t get to me that bad.

Source: Exclusive24x7News

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