EARLIER TODAY, US President-elect Donald Trump held his first press conference since his election, and it was… well it was a bit mad, to be honest.
The first order of business was to dismiss an unverified dossier containing allegations about his dealings with Russia, which Trump labelled ‘phony’.
He then berated a CNN journalist attempting to ask him a question, saying “You are fake news” and said BuzzFeed would “face the consequences” for publishing details of the dossier. In short, it was quite the rumpus:
Can’t see the video? Click here.
People watching the BBC’s coverage of the press conference were amused at the wording of the live ticker at the bottom of the screen, which was being updated regularly by someone who was joyfully choosing Trump’s, er, more articulate lines.
There’s this description of his cabinet
And reminder of #GoldenShowersGate
They plucked out his eloquent dismissal of BuzzFeed
BuzzFeed immediately put it on their banner, of course.
Random tidbits about the inauguration
“So elegant.”
And when the BBC itself was mentioned, well of course they had to update it
“Ah, thank you Mr President-Elect! We’re blushing.” – The BBC, probably.
The man behind the captions is journalist Robert Coxwell, and he’s certainly enjoying his moment in the sun:
Excellent work.