LET’S NOT BEAT around the bush.
I’m taking a strong editorial stance on this.
This picture is an abomination:
Specifically, this area:
Look at the egg. Practically submerged in beans. Drowning in bean juice. The yolk on the cusp of merging with the juice in a horrifying catastrophe.
Look at the pudding. Tainted forever with that sickly sweet tomato elixir.
Even the sausages haven’t escaped unscathed.
The photo, posted to Twitter yesterday by user @RonanMoyles elicited quite the response. People fall quite firmly into one of two camps: pro-beans and anti-beans. The proliferation of the bean juice appears to be a major contributory factor.
One (@bubblenoma) referred in the negative to “a lake of baked beans on a plate” while another (@roqueandrolle) called beans “the devil’s food”.
One man summed up the crux of the issue:
One out of ten indeed.
In the pro-beans camp there were cries of “beans are great ffs” (@prayforpatrick), while the originator of the photo qualified that he liked “the bean lake” and “beans are actually good”.
The hate against beans was called out:
There was much handwringing and pontificating:
From both sides:
People shared horror stories:
There was the occasional voice of reason:
Even Gerry got involved:
Zing Gerry. Zing.