Dublin: 10 °C Sunday 23 February, 2025

8 GIFs that prove coffee is a beautiful, beautiful thing


COFFEE IS A beautiful, wonderful, delicious thing. And these GIFs prove it.

Just look at the beans:

Source: Heavytable

And the swirling brew:

Source: Libdd

The pour.

Source: Tumblr

Milk for you?

Source: techsavvyed

You can almost smell it.

Source: Indianrivercoffee

If you’re the sort who likes decoration…

Source: Myopera

Yep, it’s a thing of beauty.

Source: funnyjunk

No two ways about it.

Source: BlogSpot

15 signs you are a hopeless coffee addict>

Grumpy Cat to release own brand of coffee drink>

About the author:

Michael Freeman

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