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11 times Catastrophe was just perfect

“Muireann? Maureen? Myron?”

THIS MORNING, CHANNEL 4 announced that it has renewed Catastrophe for two more seasons.

And you know what that means? More gold like this…

1. When it totally nailed what flirting in bars is like

shar1 Source: fuertecito/Tumblr

shar2 Source: fuertecito/Tumblr

2. And captured the emotions one experiences when visitors overstay their welcome

everynne Source: lorelaivgilmores/Tumblr

3. When it reenacted the chat every couple has in front of the telly every night

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4. When you have to apologise for the stink of beer sweat off you

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5. When you’re totally over it

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6. When it captured how defensive Irish people get when the topic of drinking is brought up

anti Source: happy-watching/Tumblr

7. That parenting feeling, though

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8. God: every parent’s best friend

matale Source: matale/Tumblr

9. When it illustrated the struggles of having an Irish name abroad

download Source: Channel 4

download (1) Source: Channel 4

10. “Are you American? Do you know Obama?”


11. And when it reminded us all of the cold hard realities of sleep as a parent…

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About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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