1. The infamous “All Night Long” flag
2. Well played, lads
3. Ah, Dougal
4. Yep, someone drew parallels between the Think Contraception ads and Jonathan Walters
5. It was inevitable, really.
6. A tribute to the nation’s favourite television show and our favourite soccer players? You betcha.
7. Number of Father Ted flags in Paris right now – approx. 1,897,195
8. Just some friendly Swedish slagging
9. Tipperary’s two greatest achievements: Shane Long and Bulmers
10. True facts
11. The question being asked all over Ireland…
13. There yiz are!
14. The one and only Billo, everyone…
“Okey doke.”
15. Giving “Clinton 2016″ a whole new meaning…
16. And finally, one for all the Waterfordians
Billy McCarthy + John O’Shea = most Waterford flag ever.