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Why Lana Del Rey is the Queen of the Internet

Honestly, it’s Lana’s internet world and we’re all just web browsing in it.

LANA DEL REY is playing Dublin today and tomorrow as part of a sell-out world tour.

She’s a relative newcomer to the pop music landscape but has made a pretty big impact.

In fact, online Lana has been the subject of plenty of memes and general internet mockery which makes us think she may be the Queen of the Internet.

1. Her much spoofed album cover

Here is what Lana’s first album Born To Die looks:

via Amazon

Thanks to the internet said album cover has been parodied numerous times, including these gems

Cyndistry / Tumblr

Lana Del Who / Tumblr

Holyholeando / Tumblr

Nerd Tacos / Tumblr

Lana Del Who / Tumblr

Alex Towers / Twitter

2. Video Games as sung by a duck

You might think having a Donald Duck impersonator sing Video Games over the original video might be too silly to be funny.

But you’d be wrong:

balak / YouTube

3. Valentine’s Cards

Lana’s general internet love led to some “interesting” takes on the typical Valentine’s greeting.

This one is quite nice

via Idolator

While some were a tad more suggestive

via Vesertlne / Tumblr

Sadamander / Tumblr

And you can’t beat a bit of Nicolas Cage related spoofery:

via Cheezburger

4. Llama Related Lols

You probably saw this Lana Del Rey meme:

Omg... this might be my favorite thing on the planet. I'm obsessed with llamas AND Lana Del Rey. This. Is. Fucking. Awesome.

via Imgur

Well there's also a Twitter account for all your Llama Del Rey needs:

5. Generally very good video parodies

The memes may be out of control when it comes to Lana Del Rey but there's still some decent spoofage on YouTube too.

There's this guy who will convince you that Lana with a beard almost make sense:

Joshua Maddox Wellington / YouTube

This totally weird and slightly questionable parody that features actual llamas

sensitivewhitegirls / YouTube

A Lana Del Rey take on Shit Girls Say

CharlieHidesTV / YouTube

And how we'll order takeaways from now on:

CandySliceComedy / YouTube

6. Lana Del Rey Dancing

After Lana appeared on Saturday Night Live she was criticised for looking uncomfortable and dancing awkwardly.

via Jezebel

Never one to miss a trick, the internet took this as a chance to make Lana's weird dancing combine with various pop culture wonders

Hvergerold/ Tumblr

As you can see Lana Del Rey is an endlessly gif ready, meme machine that rules the internet:

via Hipster Runoff

And Lana seems fine with it

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