YOU MIGHT KNOW Marc Maron as the man who interviewed US President Barack Obama this summer.
(You know, when Obama said the n-word and everyone lost their reason?)
Or you might know him as the man who shouts ‘lock the gates’ during that scene in Almost Famous.
Or maybe you know him because you already listen to his hugely successful WTF podcast, which is recorded in his garage.
A single episode of WTF is usually downloaded around half a million times (the Obama chat must be pushing 2 million at this stage) and along with quality interviews gives insights into Maron’s life; cats, health worries, love life, crankiness and all.
Maron’s also (and originally) a stand up comedian, with a show in Dublin’s Vicar Street tonight.
We’ve rounded up 9 of his very best episodes (more recent ones are free to download, older ones you need to pay a small fee. It’s worth it).
1. Paul Thomas Anderson
A fascinating chat with the director of Boogie Nights, Inherent Vice and There Will Be Blood which feels too short at two hours long and makes us just want to go to Paul Thomas Anderson and Maya Rudoloph’s house for Christmas Dinner.
2. Jenny Slate
Parks and Recreation and Obvious Child actress Slate is often unfairly painted as being ‘best known for saying ‘fuck’ on Saturday Night Live’. She’s said now that she’s sick of talking about it, yet when she talks to Maron about it, it makes her cry. And it makes him cry. And it’s lovely.
3. Robin Williams
Maron’s 2010 interview with Robin Williams was sadly given a bump last year when Williams passed away. In hindsight it’s a difficult, dark, funny and powerful chat to listen to, with the late actor talking about alcoholism and depression.
4. ‘The President Was Here’
In the aftermath of the Barack Obama interview, Maron and his producer (and great storyteller) Brendan McDonald sat down to reflect on the madness, and discuss how it all came about. It’s arguably more compelling than the Obama podcast itself.
5. Louis CK
Voted by Slate as the best podcast episode of all time, this interview (which originally spanned two episodes) sees Marc and Louis examine why their friendship took a nosedive and (sometimes uncomfortably) sees them working out their differences.
6. Amy Poehler
Amy Poehler doesn’t take any shite off anyone, including Marc Maron. Her 2011 interview in his garage is an enlightening chat about making it as a female comic, her love of improv, Parks and Recreation and how she’s afraid she hasn’t been funny enough while they’re talking.
7. Zach Galifianakis
One of Maron’s earliest Podcast episodes, and noted by him as one of the turning points when starting out the project. Maron’s presumed resentment of others’ success is something which is wheeled out again and again, almost as a joke at this stage. In the Galifianakis interview, it’s definitely there, bubbling underneath.
8. Billy Bragg
A fascinating talk from 2013 with folk legend Bragg, who calls The Clash a “bunch of f**king posers” and waxes lyrical with Maron about social issues, politics and growing up in Britain.
9. Judy Greer
Judy Greer is That Actress You Know Who’s In Everything. She was in Jurassic World this summer for example. And Arrested Development, and Archer and Planet of the Apes and 27 Dresses (don’t pretend you don’t love it). She’s even written a book about it being That Actress You Know Who’s In Everything. Her interview with Maron is a refreshing and entertaining look on life as one of the most successful but least recognised working actors.