EVERY MEDIA OUTLET makes mistakes.
But some mistakes are better than others. Like these:
1. This minor typo
2. This niche audience
3. This finest hour of ‘Parents’ magazine
4. This property where entertainment is a priority
5. This must-read story
6. This horrifying scene
7. This interesting philsophical debate
8. This monument to rock’n'roll excess
9. This important development
10. This terrifying crimewave
11. This ominous warning
12. This dubious diet advice
13. This perfectly innocent ad for bowling.
14. This exercise in mortification
15. This duo striking fear into the community
16. This unfortunate ad placement
17. This worrying health advice
18. This nightmare
19. This headline hovering on the joke/mistake boundary
20. This aromatic recipe
21. This eye-opening scoop
22. This edition of ‘Where’ magazine
23. This unfortunate juxtaposition
24. Also, this one
25. And possibly the greatest headline of all time:
Thanks to commenter Brendan Rice